Surgeon with Mask 500

Drs Shaking Handssm

chairside toolssm

xray 400


Full Arch Logo

We now offer both surgical and prosthetic chairside services for all full-arch cases. For those doctors that would like to provide full-arch implant supported prostheses to their patients, but don’t want the hassle of performing the prosthetics, we are proud to offer “Full-Arch Full-Service”!

From initial planning to completion, we will provide everything necessary to rehabilitate your patient’s smile. Beginning with a CBCT scan and a diagnostic wax-up, we will plan the case on Simplant software using a prosthetically driven approach, place the implants, take impressions & records, deliver the PPMA temp and the final prosthesis.

All in the comfort and convenience of your office.

We come to you....Chairside!


Implant Placement

Single Implant
Includes gentle and precise placement of one implant fixture, either in a one-stage or two-stage approach. If a two-stage approach is taken, this service also includes the uncovering of the fixture and placement of the healing collar.

Adjacent Implant Placement
Includes gentle and precise placement of two or more adjacent implant fixtures within the same sextant, at a significant savings, either in a one-stage or two-stage approach. If a two-stage approach is taken, this service also includes the uncovering of the fixtures and placement of the healing collars.

Extraction and Immediate Implant Placement
Surgical or non-surgical extraction of a diseased tooth or root in conjunction with immediate placement of a dental implant in the extraction site. This service includes all necessary grafting material.

Full Arch Case
Includes placement of 6-8 implant fixtures, either in a one-stage or two-stage approach. If a two-stage approach is taken, this service also includes the uncovering of the fixtures and placement of the healing collars. Also includes the necessary radiographic and surgical guides for precise placement.

Mini Implant Case
Includes placement of 4 Mini Dental Implants in the symphysis for denture retention. Ready for immediate loading.


Sinus Augmentation

Conventional Sinus Lift
Classic lateral window approach, elevation of the sinus membrane, hydration of the graft material, placement of the graft material and placement of one resorbable membrane.

Inferior Sinus Lift
Includes elevation of the sinus membrane and placement of graft material below the membrane via the implant osteotomy. Performed at the time of implant placement.

Crestal Core Elevation
Includes site development below the sinus membrane for residual ridges with 3-6mm of bone height, uplifting the membrane, placement of the graft material and one resorbable membrane.


Adjunct Services

Ridge Augmentation
Surgical site development of insufficient ridges for implant placement via a barrier membrane and a particulate bone graft.

Platelet Rich Plasma
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) has been used in hospitals for decades to accelerate the healing process. This service includes the venipuncture, isolation of the PRP and application to the surgical site. A great adjunct for Sinus Augmentation and Guided Tissue Regeneration. We provide the necessary supplies and equipment.

Oral Conscious Sedation
Includes the oral sedatives, administering the oral sedatives, blood pressure and pulse oximetry monitoring throughout the procedure. We ask you to provide the nitrous oxide equipment.

IV Sedation
Includes the venipuncture, administering the sedatives and monitoring throughout the procedure by a board certified anesthesiologist.

Chairside Guidance
This service is designed for the general practitioner who is already placing implants, but would like Chairside Guidance with more complex cases. You do the surgery, we assist and can offer guidance during the procedure. A second set of eyes to help avoid errors, improve your outcomes and take your confidence to the next level. Available only to students and mentees of Dr. Forlano.